Sunday, June 16, 2013

Daily Highlight - Sunday 16th June, 2013

So, while I was out today because of the nice weather, I didn't have the time to look a lot up or write even an article. So it will be links galore today. A little off-topic, I think I got a sunburn from walking on the German Bundesstraße, which was incidentially blocked for car traffic today. No motorized vehicles were allowed on the freeway. What was interesting however, was the fact that bicycle users are as unfriendly and egoistic when they are alone on the roads than when they have to share it with cars. In my opinion this is a little bit of a problem and destroys lots of the nimbus of supreme bicycling, which is always preached by the Ecos of our age.

Well, speaking of ecology, there seems to be a bit of a stir-up on the Biotech GM crops front. It seems that GM crops have turned up, where they should not. I mean, really, there is no sane way they could have turned up there, except an insane person put them there. It could have been an activist (most likely) or a stupid farmer (could be as well). Why is everything else unlikely, well, because Oregon doesn't have much in the way of GM crops around. Read it here at

The second most interesting development comes from Twitter, which was not only resilient to the threats by the NSA and PRISM, but also stayed their course. However, it seems that the US has still a higher right to speech than most self-proclaimed anti-americans believe. It is worse in Europe, though, because here Twitter faces charges and hefty fees for NOT COMPLYING with Fance's identity requesition program. So much for a "better" Europe.

Claudia Roth the Weltenbummler from the Green party in Germany, speaks up for the Turkish people. While I am in general in favor of the protesters and that they ripped apart the joyful masquerade of the Turkish authoritarian government, I don't think they are helped by a German politician protesting with the crowd. It is ridiculous and dangerous. I would have no problem with Frau Roth, if she had quit her job and would have gone their as a private citizen. However, she is a part of the German Bundestag and thus she went there at least in a partial position as a representative of the German people (probably also on their dime). I can however think of better people suited for that ambassadorial task than Mrs. Roth.
It's just not her place, and it only helps the Turkish government in painting the protesters as foreign fueled and instigated. He can also use it to press Turkish politics against German.
And that she used her status as a representative of the German government as to not getting arrested, is plain misuse of her mandate. Plus, I really don't like this "woman".

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